South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2006 Executive Meeting Minutes

Caffe Paparazzi, Malvern, Unley Road, 4.30 p.m.

Present:  Grant Brindal, Thom Burns, Tom Glouftsis, Julie Haar

  1. MEETING OPENED:  4.45pm Executive members were welcomed.
  2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES for April 11 were presented
    MOVED: Tom
    SECONDED: Thom
    1. Showcase was successful despite a few less attending.  More entries and greater variety.  Publicity/promotion was on light side.  Look for sponsorship.  Contacting students from previous year a problem.  Worthwhile keeping MRC?  Use another venue?  Presenter needs to be lined up earlier.  Timing?
      Why is there a technology showcase but not a media one from SSABSA?
      Thom to write letter to SAC arguing for this – particularly in light of new syllabus for this year.  Vote of thanks to Thom.
    2. Premier’s letter – still no reply apart from an acknowledgement.  Have since sent a second letter proposing the idea of a Premier’s Media Challenge.
    3. Tertiary members drive – Thom spoken to Trudi Sweeney about Media Ed & working together on Wintonick.  Ongoing issue.  Thom & Grant to pursue.
    Outgoing – Letter to Premier, CEASA membership, membership (problems with DECS emails – batches from outside)
    1. T&D – Alan Ellis “School Torque” keen to work with SA teachers and students later in year.  Think about working with SASOSE next year.
    2. Democracy Project – Group continuing to meet each term but fewer people are attended.  Moving forward with working groups established but still no funding for a project officer or writer.  Valley View Secondary involved in producing a documentary about the composing of a song (on the theme of democracy) for next year’s Primary Schools Music Festival.
    3. Funding, sponsorship & membership drive – should include a slip for lapsed members as a reminder.  Grant suggested we apply for government funding to buy a new laptop.  Agreement for this and Grant will investigate.
    4. Name Change – Grant suggested we think about using a trading name as SAAME is a mouthful particularly if being introduced on radio.  Suggestion is Media Education SA but that we don’t use the accompanying acronym.  All were in favour of doing this – Grant will investigate legalities.
    5. National Media Education Conference – ‘eMerging Realities’ Brisbane, October 6-8 at QUT Garden Grove.  Details can be downloaded from
    6. Lobbying/ complaints – ACMA, newsletter, ACMASPHERE (free to anyone who asks for it), published details of our complaint against ‘Today Tonight’ invading privacy by using a hidden camera even though this complaint was not upheld.
    1. Finance – healthy.  Some royalty fees arrived (~ $50).  Agreed that we continue to support CAMEO website and pay the domain name fee ($110 for 2 years).  Mercury Cinema hire fee to be paid.
    2. Media Wise – Tom needs articles.  Thom to do one about the Showcase, conference details, something from John Cronin (?).
    3. Media Moves – Programs being broadcast each month.  Lots of movie tickets being given away.
  7. A.O.B – None
  8. NEXT MEETING:  Decided to return to this venue, Week 4 of term 3, following a SSABSA meeting, Monday August 14, 6.30pm
  9. MEETING CLOSED 6.20pm

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The South Australian Association for Media Education