South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2019 Executive Meeting Minutes

Wed 16 October 2019, 4:31 to 6:02 pm
Held at EDC, Hindmarsh

Present: Grant,Tim, Alex, Laura, Harry, Hal

  1. Meeting opened 4:31 pm.
  2. Acceptance of Minutes of last meeting (13 August 2019).
    Harry: Ammendment, to add the specifics (to 4d) of inviting Rod Nancarrow (CEASA) to next exec meeting re how Educators SA could help SAAME with conference organising. Tabled: Grant, Seconded: Alex, Supported: Harry ACCEPTED/CARRIED
  3. Business arising:
    1. Grant wrote to Jayne, thanking her and letting her know SAAME prize for competition was still on offer for the film festival, and this was accepted.  Hal was there during the presentations (see 3c).
    2. Arts Inspire:
      1. The Arts Inspire conference, held earlier this year, was considered to be a success, and returned a $1100 surplus (agreed to be held to aid future conference funding).  In agreement to keep the Arts Inspire brand going, and to hold another conference in 2021 (they're already planning the 2021 conference—Nov 20 meeting at EDC, CEASA meeting space), with other state associations (drama, music, dance, visual arts, etc) holding conferences on alternating years.  Grant wondered if anyone else (from SAAME) would be interested in going (encompasses primary and secondary schooling).  Harry was happy to go.
      2. Arts Inspire also offered their conference-goers some free memberships to other associations, and two people took up their offerings of SAAME membership.
    3. AIYFF:  Hal gave a report about 15 films being shown, and awards provided by SAAME (to three films, junior, senior, and another) and by Diamonds.  AIYFF is growing, and partnering with the Adelaide Film Festival next year.
    4. SAAME:
      1. Grant held a workshop at Literacy & Numeracy festival, the workshop was well attended, with a focus on UNESCO GMIL
      2. Grant will be holding a “Mysteries of MIL Revealed” workshop Wednesday 30 October 2019, 4:30 to 6:30 pm, at the EDC.  Alex had already announced it to Teachers of Adelaide, please spread the word in other places.
      3. Looking at SAAME's mission statement (the Aims portion of the SAAME constition) handed out during this meeting:
        1. Alex suggests adding games and emerging forms of media to the aims.
        2. Hal suggested broadening (a) [from the Aims section] beyond being specifically just “media studies,” and maybe adding a preamble of a mission statement to the constitution.
        3. Tim suggested using our manifesto (which has been ratified at national conferences) as that preamble.
      4. Attracting new members, supporting existing members:
        1. It's been observed that most newcomers ask for assistance by approaching individual members, rather than SAAME as an entity.  People still ask real people for information, rather than immediately go internet searching.
        2. Anticipating a future increase in looking for help directly via the internet, we can add pages to our website about where to get help on certain things (some categorised referrals info of who can help with cartain areas, and how to contact them, such as via facebook, their schools, or email addresses).  We could have a Q & A service, where people can send us questions, and we'll have someone answer them for you (to some degree, people can use MEET for that, but some people won't touch facebook).
        3. Propose to schedule some professional development events for next year planner?  Put on agenda for next meeting.  Harry suggested changing the idea of one big conference to a series of workshops, Hal seconded.  We could make use of some of the planning ideas already made for the Media Matters conference that didn't happen this October.  Adobe is still keen on offering something.
      5. Branding:  Karen drafted an artwork submission.  Should we employ someone to develop this professionally?  Karen had a contact, there were some concerns about cost, and we really need to develop a brief for them to work from (simple instructions, sketch of ideas, wordwheel, moodboard).
  4. Finances:  $4581
  5. Facebook:  MEET has over 100 members
  6. Media Moves:  Next broadcast on 5PBA-FM on November 13th
  7. Next meeting:  Date to be confirmed.  Hoping for a Tuesday or Wednesday.  Invite Rod Nancarrow.
  8. Meeting closed 6:02 pm

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The South Australian Association for Media Education