South Australian Association for Media Education Inc.
ABN 15 378 408 705
P.O. Box 300, Ingle Farm, South Australia, 5098

2019 Executive Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 13 August 2019, 4:30 to 5:34 pm
Held at EDC, Hindmarsh

Present: Grant, Steve, Tim, Alex, Harry, Hal
Apologies: Laura, Guy, Karen

  1. Meeting opened 4:30 pm.
  2. Acceptance of the minutes of the last meeting (30 July 2019).
    Tabled: Grant, Seconded: Alex, CARRIED.
    Modifications: insert names and dollar amount into point 3, regarding the sponsorship proposal for AIYFF, ACCEPTED.
  3. Correspondence:  Recommendation from Jayne and Harry to postpone conference, and resignation from Jayne.  Grant to write a reply thanking Jayne for her contributions, and state that the sponsorship to fund a prize for the AIYFF is still on offer.
  4. Conference:
    1. Jayne & Harry went to UniSA, hire costs was looking rather expensive.  Later, UniSA replied sending an application form, and saying would waive fees if the conference was supported by their School of Creative Industries.  But this would exclude inclusion of some competitors (such as Flinders, CDW) in the conference.
    2. Is there a need for the conference?  Recommend more time to build up a groundswell, and fund-raising, considered a better option.  Alex moved to delay to around 27th March, 2020 (a Friday & Saturday still considered best choice of days).  Harry seconded.  Motion carried.
    3. Other venues considered:  The UniSA cafeteria looked good as a venue, in itself.  Adelaide High School, Star Theatres (fairly cheap, technician fee not a high cost).  Here at the EDC (quite a few advantages).
    4. Funding:  February/March 2020 the period for applying for funds.  Can Educators SA help with finding sponsorship?  Would be good for SAAME for the head of CEASA (Rod Nancarrow) to be at the next exec meeting, to say what support they could give us with holding a conference.
    5. Promotion:  Educators SA has a calendar coming out at beginning of year (could support us by printing advert for conference in it).  Sophie from The Hunting was keen on helping gee-up the conference.  Can the old school courier service be used to distribute promotional info?  (Apparently it's still an important service in the country.)
    6. Build groundswell:  Use extra time to find out more what people would want us to provide.
  5. SAAME:
    1. Hold some Professional Development before AGM.  Hold SAAME workshops on the 25 & 26 October 2019 dates we were planning to hold the Media Matters conference on (Alex?).  Grant to run workshop with GMIL literacy/numeracy.
    2. Agenda for next meeting:
      1. Investigate what we should be providing to members, mission statement, strategic planning, rebranding, examine/update constitution, concentrate on promoting media education, promoting the use of the media (involvement with Ch44, ThreeD Radio, etc), encouraging student teachers, and younger people to join.  Get more people from outside of teaching (industry, etc) involved with SAAME (Hal).
      2. Planning for the Media Matters conference in March 2020.
  6. Media Moves on PBA-FM this Wednesday (14th) at 8pm.
  7. Dates:  GMIL in first week of October.
  8. Next exec meeting proposed Monday 16 September 2019.
  9. Meeting closed 5:34 pm.

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The South Australian Association for Media Education